At Bella's Bunny Treats we make 100% natural treats and chew toys for your rabbits, however, at Bella's Mini Lops we specialize in breeding quality purebred mini lops. A lot of time, care, and years of hard work have gone into my rabbitry. My rabbitry is indoor, with aircon to keep my bunnies warm in the Winter and cooler in the Summer. They also enjoy lots of sunlight and get to look out the big windows and large sliding doors. Our bunnies are all vaccinated to protect them as much as possible from a calicivirus. We have not once ever had the virus in our rabbitry and we stand proud.
We have been breeding for 10 years now with lots of quality Buck and Doe, some I bought from show breeders that only wanted me to have their breeding stock over the years. However, I don’t show only because I don’t have the time. On weekends and weekdays, I put in all my time in supporting the customers that return to me and come out for services. Such as grooming, trims, nail clipping, and purchasing all my personally made treats and chew toys.
During the week it’s quite busy here as well with my website booming, orders flowing in, and me packing these orders. Filling and dehydrating my personal treats for my customers also keeps me very busy. The other days are also spent keeping the shop shelving full. The most important is cleaning my rabbitry and making sure their nails are clipped and up to date with their worming and parasite prevention. Their vaccinations are also due every six months.
But I love what I do and will keep up my love and passion for everything I have created. Thank you all for supporting us and helping us grow. To all my customers: thank you from the bottom of my heart💖🐰💖